This week, May 20-26, 2013, there are two meetings relevant to the Black Hills Chapter’s campaign to stop uranium mining in the Black Hills.


Clean Water or Uranium?


1) Powertech and the Custer Area Economic Development Corporation are holding a pro-uranium mining information meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00 in the Custer Fire Hall Meeting Room, 622 Crook Street. Presenters are Raymond Johnson from the US Geological Survey, Dr. James Munro, and Ben Snow from the Rapid City Economic Development Corp. Please come out to represent our anti-uranium mining stance, hold signs, wear the bright yellow anti-uranium mining t-shirt, pass out fact sheets, etc. Becky Leas is taking orders for t-shirts (which may or may not be ready by Wed) and we will have copies of the chapter’s Fact Sheet. They will most likely not allow questions or comments during the meeting, but we can still be “heard” and seen. There are several cars going up from Rapid City – if you’re willing to drive or need a ride, please let Jillian, the chapter’s organizer know at


2) There is a pre-hearing conference for Powertech’s Large Scale Mining Permit Hearing on Thursday, May 23 at 10:00am in the Ramkota Sylvan 1 & 2 Meeting Rooms, 2111 N. LaCrosse Street, Rapid City. This is set to go over several aspects of the actual hearing, procedure and scheduling. Rapid City attorney Rex Hagg has been appointed as the Hearing Chair. It is very important that we have a large number of people there to be the voice that requests late dates be informed of the process. If you are an intervenor, I strongly encourage you to attend. If you are not an intervenor, you are still welcome. Several members were present at the pre-hearing conference for the water permits. Our presence and voices were heard and made a difference. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to ask by contacting Jillian at


Thank you for the work you do. Every little bit counts, each conversation you have, letter to the editor you write, question you ask. Keep your voice strong and keep heart as this battle heats up. We’re fighting for the future – the water. Uranium mining is not the answer.