Rapid City Council Passes Resolution Expressing Grave Concern about Proposed Uranium Mining
Dakota Rural Action and Clean Water Alliance Thank the Rapid City Council and Mayor for Taking a Strong Position to Protect the Future of Rapid City
Late Monday night, August 19, 2013, the Rapid City Council passed a near unanimous resolution of “grave concern” about the proposed Powertech in-situ leach (ISL) uranium mine project near Edgemont, SD. It was full house and with an hour and a half of public comments, nearly two dozen citizens gave comment opposed to the Powertech project and in support of the resolution.
Following many weeks of research and public input which revealed facts and citizen concerns about the safety and economic viability of ISL in the Black Hills, the Council voted 9 to 1 in favor of the resolution. “Therefore be it resolved by the city of Rapid City that due to the potential risks to the Madison aquifer, the city expresses grave concern about the proposed in-situ mining of uranium in the Black Hills,” as read by Council President, Jerry Wright.
“Dakota Rural Action is very grateful to the Mayor and City Council for listening to its constituents and taking a strong position to protect the future of Rapid City,” says Clay Uptain, Chair of Dakota Rural Action’s Black Hills Chapter. “We are also very grateful to the citizens who attended the Council meeting and exercised their right to be heard on this issue.”
Carrie Ragelin, Rapid City resident and Dakota Rural Action member, said “the meeting renewed my trust and faith in the democratic process – the people were heard and concerns respected. It was clear the Council and Mayor are competent and capable to make the right decision.”
“The City Council was clearly educated on this issue and considered the issue carefully,” says Clean Water Alliance leader, Lilias Jarding, PhD. “I’m proud to be a citizen of Rapid City today.”
Though the Monday night meeting ran past 10:30 pm, several Council members expressed thanks to the citizens for caring and exercising their voice. “Thank you for your participation,” said Council President, Jerry Wright addressing the audience, “We ought to thank people like you who get involved on these issues, because that’s what makes this country run.”

The Clean Water Alliance is a diverse collection of citizens concerned about the health, environmental and economic impacts that proposed uranium mining projects would have on our communities, people, economy, and natural resources.